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EaglePoint LANDCADD?for Revit?2013
LANDCADD?for Revit?is designed to offer Architects, Landscape Architects or Designers functionality within Autodesk Revit Architecture to quickly and easily lay out site components, as well as produce a landscape design fully integrated into the project. By accessing a wide-range of searchable plants, you are able to customize planting families and then use the LANDCADD tools to locate trees, shrubs, flowers or ground covers into the model. You are also able to layout other landscaping features, such as paths or patios and, not only obtain areas, but also a takeoff of the materials.
1. Install \install\Setup.exe
2. Copy contents of \crack\ directory to %ProgramFiles%\Eagle Point Landcadd for Revit 2013\Program\
3. Enjoy and seed!