英文维基百科对CAE有如下解释: Computer-aided engineering (often referred to as CAE) is the use of information technology to support engineers in tasks such as analysis, simulation, design, manufacture, planning, diagnosis, and repair. Software tools that have been developed to support these activities are considered CAE tools. CAE tools are being used, for example, to analyze the robustness and performance of components and assemblies. The term encompasses simulation, validation, and optimization of products and manufacturing tools. In the future, CAE systems will be major providers of information to help support design teams in decision making. 简单地讲,CAE就是国内同行常说的分析、计算、模拟、优化等软件,这些软件是项目设计团队决策信息的主要提供者。 CAE的历史比CAD早,当然更比BIM(建筑信息模型)早,电脑的最早期应用事实上是从CAE开始的,包括历史上第一台用于计算炮弹弹道的ENIAC计算机,干的工作就是CAE。 CAE涵盖的领域包括以下几个方面:
使用有限元法(FEA)进行应力分析如结构分析等; 使用计算流体动力学(CFD)进行热和流体的流动分析如风-结构相互作用等; 运动学如建筑物爆破倾倒历时分析等 过程模拟分析例如日照、人员疏散等; 产品或过程优化如施工计划优化等; - 机械事件仿真(MES).
大家知道,设计是一个根据需求不断寻求最佳方案的循环过程,而支持这个过程的就是对每一个设计方案的综合分析比较,也就是CAE软件能做的事情。一个典型的设计过程可以图示如下: |