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中国头号房地产巨头万科集团牵手德国 RIB,引入iTWO 5D BIM管理技术

2014-11-13 09:26| 发布者: EaBIM门户编辑| 查看: 2096| 评论: 1|来自: EaBIM

摘要: Guangzhou, China, 11 November 2014. Vanke, China's No.1 real estate company and the world’s No.1 house developer and RIB Group, the leading 5D BIM technology provider in the world, signed an iTWO 5D ...

Guangzhou, China, 11 November 2014. Vanke, China's No.1 real estate company and the world’s No.1 house developer and RIB Group, the leading 5D BIM technology provider in the world, signed an iTWO 5D Phase I deal to start Vanke’s iTWO 5D management era.



中国房地产企业之首、全球最大专业住宅开发商万科集团与全球领先5D BIM技术方案供应商RIB集团签署了iTWO 5D第一阶段合约,开启了万科的iTWO 5D管理新时代。


Vanke Group, is famous in its product quality, enterprise management, and project management quality with leading technology and new method practices. Vanke’s Headquarters Research Center is in charge of bringing in the iTWO new technology and new methods, and Vanke’s regional companies will use iTWO 5D management in their projects. The first iTWO 5D management practice will be in Vanke’s Chengdu Regional Chongqing Company and it is forecast that iTWO 5D technology will be gradually brought to other Vanke projects.


万科集团以利用先进技术和创新工作模式实现其高品质的产品、高效的企业管理以及高品质项目管理而著称。万科总部研发中心决定引入iTWO新技术及新工作模式,并将iTWO 5D管理技术应用到各区域项目当中。万科成都区域重庆分公司成为首个iTWO 5D管理实践基地。预计未来,iTWO 5D技术将会逐渐应用到万科的其他项目当中。


Thomas Wolf, CEO of RIB Group, commented: "We are proud to serve the No.1 house developer in the world and the China No.1 real estate developer, and to support Vanke to become the most advanced and technology driven real estate developer in the world. Through RIB supporting Vanke gradually to enterprise level, RIB will help Vanke to achieve more profitability, project management upgrades, environmental protection and social responsibility."




Bill Tang, RIB Group’s China Market Head commented: “Only a good looking BIM model for visualization cannot bring enough benefit for real estate developers. Vanke cares more that the BIM model based 5D management can help its numerous projects’ big data collection, accumulation and smart analytics so as to achieve Vanke’s data value and standardization, which can provide knowledge for the future land evaluation, construction quality management and facility management. I believe this is why Vanke likes iTWO 5D.”


RIB集团中国区市场负责人唐必成表示:“仅有精美的设计BIM模型做到可视化并不能给房地产开发商带来足够的效益。万科更注重的是,基于BIM模型的5D管理能为其众多项目的海量大数据进行收集、整理积累和智能分析,从而实现万科的工程数据价值与标准化,为其未来的拿地评估、项目质量管控以及运营管理提供强大的知识智囊支撑。我相信这是万科喜欢iTWO 5D的原因。”


About RIB Group
RIB Software AG is an innovator in construction business. The company designs, develops, and offers iTWO technology for the construction industry worldwide. iTWO is the world’s first Cloud-based Big Data BIM 5D enterprise solution for construction industry. Since its inception in 1961, RIB Software AG has been the pioneer in construction innovation, exploring and bringing in new technology, new thinking and new working method to enhance construction productivity, and transforming the construction industry into the most advanced and digitalized industry in the 21st century. RIB is headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany, and listed in Prime Standard Frankfurt Stock Exchange since 2011. With about 700 talents located in over 36 offices worldwide, RIB is serving 100,000 clients including construction contractors, developers, owners, investors and governments, in the field of building construction, infrastructure, EPC sector, etc. Further information can be found at: www.rib-software.com


RIB集团是建筑业的革新者。集团为全球建筑行业设计、开发和提供iTWO技术。iTWO是全球建筑行业第一款云端大数据5D BIM的企业级解决方案。自1961年成立以来,RIB集团一直致力于建筑行业的革新,不断探索并引进新的技术、新的思维和新的工作模式以提高建筑施工效率,带领建筑行业向21世纪最先进的数字化产业转型。RIB集团的总部设在德国斯图加特,并于2011年在法兰克福证券交易所上市。在全球拥有超过30个办事处以及600名员工,为全球超过100,000客户提供服务,包括建筑承包商、开发商、业主、投资者和政府,覆盖楼宇建设、基础设施、以及工程总承包等领域。更多资讯请浏览www.rib-software.com







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