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Big Data – How Does It Impact Construction Projects?

2014-3-25 09:38| 发布者: 萧闫子| 查看: 1427| 评论: 0|原作者: Katie Hal|来自: constructech

摘要: In the age of greater than 50 megabyte BIM files, collaboration is key to efficient project delivery.Big data is a big topic these days, and advances in BIM (building information modeling) technology ...
In the age of greater than 50 megabyte BIM files, collaboration is key to efficient project delivery.
Big data is a big topic these days, and advances in BIM (building information modeling) technology have made big data a critical issue in construction technology. The volume of information to be managed throughout the course of projects has cascaded into the terabytes (1 terabyte = 1,000,000,000,000 bytes).
At the Fiatech Tech Conference and Showcase in June 2012, we surveyed attendees on big data barriers to project delivery. The results of the survey were revealing, but not surprising: 62% said data volumes impacted their efficiency in managing projects, and 64% said big data impeded collaboration among project team members.
When asked about their greatest challenges in managing project information, respondents stated:
• Finding the right information when it is needed – 40%
• Collecting the information needed from multiple parties – 38%
• Managing the distribution of information to other parties – 18%
They cited the following causes for these challenges:
• Low interoperability between project-management technologies – 76%
• Inefficient workflow processes – 56%
• Problems opening and working with different file types – 38%
• Data volumes and file sizes that were hard to manage – 38%
• Difficulty in capturing a complete project record – 29%
The BIM Effect
More than three-quarters of the attendees called out design and BIM processes as the principal source of their big data challenges. Their most serious BIM issues were the integration of models generated by different authoring tools (73%), the transfer of models among project firms (31%), the complexity of BIM software tools (27%), and the tracking, recording, and resolution of clash detection (22%).
Consequently, 69% of the respondents felt current technologies for handling big data were inadequate to support the levels of project management efficiency they required.
What would enable them to increase this efficiency? Multiparty collaboration – the benefits of which came through loud and clear in our survey:
• Reduced risk of errors
• Faster project delivery
• Reduced waste
• Improved asset lifecycle management 
• Tighter cost management
• Continual process improvement
Collaborative BIM – Big Data Success
As the survey results indicate, market trends are converging forcefully. Just as big data has become a critical issue in construction technology, collaboration has become a critical issue in BIM.
Project teams require the ability to integrate and manage increasingly larger and more complex models, to share these files and other essential project information, and to communicate with each other on a single, project-wide collaboration platform. Moreover, they require access to the models in realtime, at any time, from wherever they happen to be—the office, the site, the trailer, the home, the airport—for review, update, and approval, as well as timely clash resolution. And they require an audit trail of all decisions made regarding the models, with full accountability for all actions taken.
Construction firms that meet these requirements will be able to transform big data—from a relentless challenge to schedules, budgets, and profitability into a growing opportunity for strategic and competitive advantage.
The Aconex online collaboration platform has been used by owners, contractors, and consultants to manage more than 270,000 building information models. Nearly one-third of all live Aconex projects today include models, with file sizes averaging more than 50 megabytes and ranging as high as 875 megabytes in size. For more information, please call +1 888.5.ACONEX and visit 。









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