Applications that do support 2 GPU cores (such as the 2 x 680 GPUs in the GTX 690) basically use 1 GPU core + 50% of the onboard ram for rendering frame 1 and the 2nd GPU core + the next 50% ram for rendering frame 2, and so on and so forth.Unfortunately, you will not see any significant performance gain with 2 graphics cards, since Lumion doesn't perform any better with 2 GPU cores. And due to the ram mirroring, you will only benefit from half of the on-board RAM.
For that reason, we recommend that you get the fastest single-GPU-core card that you can afford.
应用程序支持2 GPU核心(比如2×680的GPU GTX公司690)主要用于1 GPU核心+ 50%的板载内存呈现帧1和2日GPU核心+下50%的ram呈现框架2,等等。
不幸的是,你将不会看到任何显著的性能改进2显卡,因为Lumion没有执行任何更好的与2 GPU核心。并且由于ram镜像,您只会受益于一半的车载ram。