视频: VisualARQ(plug-in for Rhino)
VisualARQ是一个完全集成的建筑建模插件。<BR><BR>1.4 版的新功能:<BR>» 新的屋顶:自动建立三角屋顶与斜屋脊。(影片)<BR>» 新的剖面功能:实时剖面可以显示在作业窗口或彩现影像里。(影片)<BR>» 新的窗户类型 (awning、hopper 与 hung) 及玻璃窗棂。<BR>» 可以将数据输出至 Excel 与 CSV 档案。<BR>» 修正所有已知的错误。<BR><BR><EMBED height=400 type=application/x-shockwave-flash align=middle width=480 src=http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMzI1NTAxNzQ0/v.swf allowScriptAccess="always" quality="high" allowFullScreen="true"></EMBED> 官网地址 :http://www.visualarq.com VisualARQ 1.5.4 (Apr-23, 2012)Fixed bugs:
•Window sill didn't show in the preview in the window style manager.
•Sliding leaves in window or door style were misplaced in styles with two or more leaves.
•The installer failed when the name or company fields were blank.
•Document became corrupted when duplicating a schedule table style.
•Door and window command didn't detect the correct wall under the cursor.
•Fixed a crash when opening a 3DM with erased groups in a Rhino instance without VisualARQ loaded.
•Fixed a crash when undoing a grip movement in Rhino 5.0.
•Fixed a crash when inserting a schedule table with 8 fields or more.
VisualARQ 1.5.3 (Feb-29, 2012)
Fixed bugs:
•Fixed a crash when running some VisualARQ commands with Rhino cursor tooltips enabled.
•Fixed a crash when working on a document after doing a Cut/Copy and Paste operation.
•Fixed a crash in Rhino 5.0 when running command Insert.
•Rhino 5.0 Beta (01/17/2012 or later) is now required. 这真的只能看看了~有试用期