
萧闫子 发表于 2017-11-16 10:50:30


关于征集全球BIM软件、企业、书籍、视频入库EaBIM网和BIMO2O网的通知Information about the collection of global BIM software, enterprises, books, video entry EaBIM and BIMO2O net
各有关BIM软件商、BIM企业、BIM发烧友:       EaBIM网是以BIM技术为本的综合性门户平台深受BIM爱好者推崇,发展到第7年用户遍布中、欧、美,注册会员超过40万,拥有数十万原创BIM技术帖,为BIM网络界首屈一指的领导平台。作为中国最大、用户最多、流量最大、技术贴最多、活跃度最高、用户粘性最强的BIM技术社区,EaBIM一直以来积极响应国家“十二五”推进建筑业信息化的号召,推动国内BIM普及和发展;“十三五”也将再接再厉,助力政府和行业共推BIM的技术。
To the relative BIM productors,company and fans:EaBIM is a comprehensive portal platform with BIM technology and is highly regarded by BIM fans with mor than 400,000 menbers all over China,America and Europe during 7 years.Thousands of original BIM technology posts makes the leading platform for BIM network.As China's largest BIM technology community with most users,EaBIM has long been a positive response to the country to the call of "twelfth five-year" to promote informatization construction, promote domestic BIM popularization and development; During the 13th five-year plan will also help the government and industry to promote BIM technology.
Currently EaBIM had provide midia support to International Exhibition on Housing Industry,KeChuang cup BIM competition, ministry of information center, China's BIM development league,China BIM technology innovation alliance; It also have Autodesk, tusoft, ganda, luban, blue planet, new point binocular cloud and other BIM software cooperation media; Other media support , such as the national BIM competition,longtu cup, kochuang cup, yiebebi cup, etc.
Now, EaBIM has collected BIM software, excellent enterprise, BIM related books and BIM related courses around the world, any company or individual after approval will enjoy the following advantages:
1、EaBIM is an Important information source libraries for the BIM field followers,join us to be informed of important activities in the industry2、EaBIM Column free report, permanent display, 400,000 members browsing online;3、Delivered to the EaBIM WeChat public platform onec for free, and it will be displayed on a permanent basis,which now have 24,000 members4、Delivered to the EaBIM QQ grope (5,000 members)onec for free5、Delivered to the EaBIM cup WeChat group (hundreds of schools with more than thousands of members)onec for free6、EaBIM website permanent display once for free,follow-on trading 7、BIMO2O WeChat public reports onec(BIMO2O have 100,000 real-name registration members,WeChat pays users follow WeChat public number automatically)

报送方式                                                                  contact informationEaBIM网联系人:杨洁                                   EaBIM:Yang Jie电话:15801957229                                      Tel:15801957229电邮:yj@eabim.cn                                       E-mail:yj@eabim.cnQ Q:3004318802                                                         
BIMO2O网联系人:卜焕焕                          BIMO2O:Bu Huan huan电话:13764403057 或021-60340698            Tell:13764403057 or 021-60340698电邮:bhh@eabim.cn                                     E-mail:bhh@eabim.cn   Q Q:3004324928                                                         BIMO2O官方QQ群:197188983                     BIMO2O official QQgroup:514667499   
地址:上海浦东新区秀浦路2555号漕河泾康桥商务中心C1座6楼Add:Caohejing kangqiao business center C1-6th floor,Xiu Pu Road 2555,PuDong,ShangHai   

附件1:全球BIM软件入库申请表 Attachment 1:Application for global BIM software entry附件2、全球BIM企业入库申请表                Attachment 2:Application form for global BIM enterprise entry附件3、全球BIM书籍申请表                  Attachment 3:Global BIM books application form附件4、全球BIM课程申请表                  Attachment 4:Global BIM Course Application form附件5、优势1-7示意                        

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查看完整版本: 【中英文对照版】关于征集全球BIM软件、企业、书籍、视频入库EaBIM网和BIMO2O网的通知