
极HONDA速 发表于 2014-3-6 20:25:34


中文翻译:减少在Revit性能不良5秘诀在处理大型项目时,您可能会注意到你操作Revit模型明显的性能问题。这是否会影响你的加载/保存的时间、导航浏览模型的速度。在一点或另一个我认为我们都经历过这些问题,它可以在你的时间大量流失如果你不解决问题和采取措施来防止这样的问题。作为一般规则,你的Revit模型不应该超过300MB大项目的大小,除非你有一个“超级计算机”,你可能会注意到你的Revit显着放缓,当您的文件成为任何上述150MB。使用Revit和尝试是什么原因导致了显着的性能问题,我有一个清单5的提示,可以帮助你保持你的设计文件在一个可控的大小,因此高效平稳运转。1。使用worksets限制能见度在你的Revit模型工作的时候,你的机会将聚焦在任何给定的时间在一个地区。这意味着,你的典范,尽管没有积极的角度看,将显著减缓Revit性能。因此,例如:如果你是工作在5级家具计划你的模型,你应该确保只有岗位责任制,是打开的是5级的内部。除了那些显而易见的原因,这是一个重要的方面,一个好的理由建立有用的worksets启动一个项目的时候。2。避免使用Revit家庭内容的网站-除非你知道和信任的网站,那么这是一个好主意,作为一般规则,远离用户uploaed含量对Bim的或Revit家庭网站。由于问题的复杂性和数量的不同的参数等,经常被设计和嵌入在这些家庭。一个全新的工作站将有麻烦跟上一个充满了这些性能排水对象的项目。我的建议是远离社区上传内容,坚持你的网站的信任和了解是建立高效的家庭,或者更好的是,模型吧,这样,你确切地知道什么是进入你的项目,他们可以一次又一次。3。清除未使用的家庭和团体- Revit带有一个有用的工具,称为“清除未使用的。这个工具是到位,专门帮助减少你的模型表现不好。总之,清除未使用的家庭和团体将卸载所有无家庭和团体已不再被使用在项目。你可以通过你的项目中未使用的家庭数量感到惊讶,spefically一个大项目你已经工作了一段时间。让我们举个例子。你是为你创造的建筑前门。你不确定要使用哪个门,所以你荷载的5左右你的门来测试他们的家庭。一旦你决定坚持你的门,这就是你将看到。但在你的项目的背景,你还有其他4门的家庭装和准备使用。清除未使用的家庭将删除所有这些情况,可明显加速性能在Revit。4。删除临时的和无用的观点——在一个项目时,您将需要创建多个不同的项目视图。在许多情况下,您将需要不同的观点对大型复杂的建筑上,这当然可以不帮助。你应该考虑的是通过你的观点和发现你只是“暂时的”或“视觉”的目的。从我使用趋势我发现自己制造了许多新的观点,然后忘记删除或删除它们。这不仅会使你的项目的混乱和无组织的,但它也会降低性能的速度。我也作为一个规则,等到项目结束的创建表的打印,我觉得他们也有助于铆钉的性能产生负面影响。5。连接你的文件,如果可能的话,不要进出有许多情况下,你必须使用另一个软件包的信息,绘制或项目在您当前的模型。有2种方法来在Revit做这个。在我看来,错误的方法和正确的方法。例如,你有一个CAD地形面你想使用您的网站。您可以导入它,这将是从文件到你的模型中添加的所有信息,意思是说如果你的CAD文件5MB,你刚刚添加额外的空间在你的Revit模型,不好!如果你在另一方面,选择你的CAD文件链接到你的Revit模型中,你只创建一个连接到一个外部文件在您的工作,大大降低了对你的Revit模型性能的影响。当连接文件,你必须注意在文件路径,并确保它不会改变中期计划。 原英文:5 Tips to reduce bad performance in RevitWhen working on large projects, you may notice significant performance issues with your Revit model. Whether this will be long loading / saving times or trouble navigating and viewing your model. At one point or another I think we have all experienced these issues and it can be a massive drain on your time if you do not deal with the issues and take steps to prevent such problems. As a general rule, your Revit model should not be above 300MB in size for large projects, unless you have a ‘Super computer’ you will probably notice your Revit slowing down significantly when your file becomes anywhere above 150MB. From using Revit and experimenting with what causes significant performance issues I have come up with a list of 5 tips which should help you keep your Revit file at a manageable size, and therefore running smoothly and efficiently. 1. Use worksets to limit visibility - When working on your Revit model, chances are you will be focusing on one area at any given time. This means, that the rest of your model, although not being actively viewed, will signficantly slow down the performance of Revit. Therefore, for example: if you are working on the level 5 furniture plan of your model, then you should make sure that the only workset that is turned on is level 5 interior. Aside from all the obvious reasons, this is an important aspect and a good reason to set up useful worksets when starting a project. 2. Avoid using Revit family content sites - Unless you know and trust the website then it is a good idea, as a general rule, to stay away from user uploaed content on ‘BIM’ or Revit family sites. Due to the complexity and number of different parameters etc that are often designed and embedded in these families. A brand new workstation would have trouble keeping up with a project full of these peformance draining objects. My advice would be to stay away from community uploaded content, stick to sites that you trust and ‘know’ are creating efficient families, or better still, model them yourself, that way you know exactly what is going into your project and they can be used again and again. 3. Purge unused families and groups - Revit comes with a useful tool called ‘Purge unused’. This tool is put in place specifically to help reduce bad performance in your model. In short, purging unused families and groups will ‘unload’ all unactive families and groups which are no longer being used in the project. You may be surprised by the amount of unused families you have in a project, spefically on a large project you’ve been working on for some time. Lets take an example. You are creating a front door for your building. You are unsure which door to use, so you load around 5 of your door families to test them out. Once you have decided to stick with one of your doors, that is all you will see. But in the background of your project, you still have the other 4 door families loaded and ready to be used. Purging unused families will remove all of these such instances and can significantly speed up performance in Revit.4. Delete temporary and unused views - When working on a project, you will need to create a number of different project views. In many cases you will need hundreds of different views for a large complicated building, this can of course not be helped. What you should consider is looking through your views and finding any which you have just created for ‘temporary’ or ‘visual’ purposes. From my usage trends I definitely find myself making a lot of new views and then forgetting to remove them or delete them. Not only does this make your project messy and unorganised, but it will also slow down performance speeds. I also as a rule, wait until the end of the project to create sheets for printing as I feel they also contribute to negatively impacting Revits performance.5. Link your files when possible, DO NOT IMPORT - There are many instances where you either have to use information from another software package, drawing or project in your current model. There are 2 ways to do this in Revit. In my opinion, the wrong way and the right way. For example, you have a CAD topography surface you want to use for your site. You can either import it, which will literally add all the information from that file into your model, meaning if your CAD file was 5mb, you have just added an extra 5mb on to your Revit model, not good! If you on the other hand choose to link your CAD file to your Revit model, you are only creating a link in your Revit to an external file, significantly reducing the impact on performance in your Revit model. When linking files you must pay attention to where the files path, and make sure that it does not change mid project.

程维w 发表于 2014-3-18 12:29:59


萧闫子 发表于 2014-8-9 10:52:59


极HONDA速 发表于 2014-3-6 20:26:01


efans 发表于 2014-4-4 13:03:36


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