现在好象WPF比较受欢迎了,到处都在说WPF。Inventor自己并没有做到真正地支持WPF,你只能在它的Ribbon界面上增加老式的按钮。但是你可以弹出一个对话框来,在你的对话框上面运用WPF,让你的界面炫一点。我最近用C#写了个简单的Inventor插件的例子,用来演示如何做到这一点。因为WPF是从.net 3.0开始引入的,VS.net 2005不支持,所以要至少用到VS.net 2008。下面是执行效果:http://p.blog.csdn.net/images/p_blog_csdn_net/barbarahan/605169/o_102209_0543_Inventor1.png 大家可以在http://barbarahan.download.csdn.net/里面下载到源代码。运行代码之前,先把new.jpg保存到c:/temp目录,否则WPF控件加载会有问题。StandardAddInServer.cs的代码如下: view plaincopy[*]using System;
[*]using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
[*]using Inventor;
[*]using Microsoft.Win32;
[*]using System.Windows.Forms;
[*]namespace InvWPFSample
[*] /// <summary>
[*] /// This is the primary AddIn Server class that implements the ApplicationAddInServer interface
[*] /// that all Inventor AddIns are required to implement. The communication between Inventor and
[*] /// the AddIn is via the methods on this interface.
[*] /// </summary>
[*] public class StandardAddInServer : Inventor.ApplicationAddInServer
[*] {
[*] // Inventor application object.
[*] private Inventor.Application m_inventorApplication;
[*] private Button m_Button;
[*] //user interface event
[*] private UserInterfaceEvents m_userInterfaceEvents;
[*] // ribbon panel
[*] RibbonPanel m_partRibbonPanel;
[*] private Inventor.UserInterfaceEventsSink_OnResetCommandBarsEventHandler UserInterfaceEventsSink_OnResetCommandBarsEventDelegate;
[*] private Inventor.UserInterfaceEventsSink_OnResetEnvironmentsEventHandler UserInterfaceEventsSink_OnResetEnvironmentsEventDelegate;
[*] private Inventor.UserInterfaceEventsSink_OnResetRibbonInterfaceEventHandler UserInterfaceEventsSink_OnResetRibbonInterfaceEventDelegate;
[*] public StandardAddInServer()
[*] {
[*] }
[*] #region ApplicationAddInServer Members
[*] public void Activate(Inventor.ApplicationAddInSite addInSiteObject, bool firstTime)
[*] {
[*] // This method is called by Inventor when it loads the addin.
[*] // The AddInSiteObject provides access to the Inventor Application object.
[*] // The FirstTime flag indicates if the addin is loaded for the first time.
[*] // Initialize AddIn members.
[*] m_inventorApplication = addInSiteObject.Application;
[*] Button.InventorApplication = m_inventorApplication;
[*] //initialize event delegates
[*] m_userInterfaceEvents = m_inventorApplication.UserInterfaceManager.UserInterfaceEvents;
[*] UserInterfaceEventsSink_OnResetCommandBarsEventDelegate = new UserInterfaceEventsSink_OnResetCommandBarsEventHandler(UserInterfaceEvents_OnResetCommandBars);
[*] m_userInterfaceEvents.OnResetCommandBars += UserInterfaceEventsSink_OnResetCommandBarsEventDelegate;
[*] UserInterfaceEventsSink_OnResetEnvironmentsEventDelegate = new UserInterfaceEventsSink_OnResetEnvironmentsEventHandler(UserInterfaceEvents_OnResetEnvironments);
[*] m_userInterfaceEvents.OnResetEnvironments += UserInterfaceEventsSink_OnResetEnvironmentsEventDelegate;
[*] UserInterfaceEventsSink_OnResetRibbonInterfaceEventDelegate = new UserInterfaceEventsSink_OnResetRibbonInterfaceEventHandler(UserInterfaceEvents_OnResetRibbonInterface);
[*] m_userInterfaceEvents.OnResetRibbonInterface += UserInterfaceEventsSink_OnResetRibbonInterfaceEventDelegate;
[*] //retrieve the GUID for this class
[*] GuidAttribute addInCLSID;
[*] addInCLSID = (GuidAttribute)GuidAttribute.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(StandardAddInServer), typeof(GuidAttribute));
[*] string addInCLSIDString;
[*] addInCLSIDString = "{" + addInCLSID.Value + "}";
[*] m_Button = new Button(
[*] "Test", "InvWPFSample:DrawSlotCmdBtn", CommandTypesEnum.kShapeEditCmdType,
[*] addInCLSIDString, "Create slot sketch graphics",
[*] "Draw Slot",null,null, ButtonDisplayEnum.kDisplayTextInLearningMode);
[*] if (firstTime == true)
[*] {
[*] //access user interface manager
[*] UserInterfaceManager userInterfaceManager;
[*] userInterfaceManager = m_inventorApplication.UserInterfaceManager;
[*] InterfaceStyleEnum interfaceStyle;
[*] interfaceStyle = userInterfaceManager.InterfaceStyle;
[*] //create the UI for classic interface
[*] if (interfaceStyle == InterfaceStyleEnum.kRibbonInterface)
[*] {
[*] Inventor.Ribbons ribbons;
[*] ribbons = userInterfaceManager.Ribbons;
[*] Inventor.Ribbon partRibbon;
[*] partRibbon = ribbons["Part"];
[*] //get the tabls associated with part ribbon
[*] RibbonTabs ribbonTabs;
[*] ribbonTabs = partRibbon.RibbonTabs;
[*] RibbonTab partSketchRibbonTab;
[*] partSketchRibbonTab = ribbonTabs["id_TabModel"];
[*] //create a new panel with the tab
[*] RibbonPanels ribbonPanels;
[*] ribbonPanels = partSketchRibbonTab.RibbonPanels;
[*] m_partRibbonPanel = ribbonPanels.Add("MyPanel", "InvWPFSample:myRibbonPanel", "{D9640F58-514F-4b86-9C44-507DE330C7F5}", "", false);
[*] //add controls to the slot panel
[*] CommandControls partRibbonPanelCtrls;
[*] partRibbonPanelCtrls = m_partRibbonPanel.CommandControls;
[*] CommandControl cmdBtnCmdCtrl;
[*] cmdBtnCmdCtrl = partRibbonPanelCtrls.AddButton(m_Button.ButtonDefinition, false, true, "", false);
[*] }
[*] }
[*] }
[*] public void Deactivate()
[*] {
[*] // This method is called by Inventor when the AddIn is unloaded.
[*] // The AddIn will be unloaded either manually by the user or
[*] // when the Inventor session is terminated
[*] try
[*] {
[*] m_userInterfaceEvents.OnResetCommandBars -= UserInterfaceEventsSink_OnResetCommandBarsEventDelegate;
[*] m_userInterfaceEvents.OnResetEnvironments -= UserInterfaceEventsSink_OnResetEnvironmentsEventDelegate;
[*] UserInterfaceEventsSink_OnResetCommandBarsEventDelegate = null;
[*] UserInterfaceEventsSink_OnResetEnvironmentsEventDelegate = null;
[*] m_userInterfaceEvents = null;
[*] if (m_partRibbonPanel != null)
[*] {
[*] m_partRibbonPanel.Delete();
[*] }
[*] //release inventor Application object
[*] Marshal.ReleaseComObject(m_inventorApplication);
[*] m_inventorApplication = null;
[*] GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers();
[*] GC.Collect();
[*] }
[*] catch (Exception e)
[*] {
[*] MessageBox.Show(e.ToString());
[*] }
[*] }
[*] private void UserInterfaceEvents_OnResetCommandBars(ObjectsEnumerator commandBars, NameValueMap context)
[*] {
[*] try
[*] {
[*] }
[*] catch (Exception e)
[*] {
[*] MessageBox.Show(e.ToString());
[*] }
[*] }
[*] private void UserInterfaceEvents_OnResetEnvironments(ObjectsEnumerator environments, NameValueMap context)
[*] {
[*] try
[*] {
[*] }
[*] catch (Exception e)
[*] {
[*] MessageBox.Show(e.ToString());
[*] }
[*] }
[*] private void UserInterfaceEvents_OnResetRibbonInterface(NameValueMap context)
[*] {
[*] try
[*] {
[*] UserInterfaceManager userInterfaceManager;
[*] userInterfaceManager = m_inventorApplication.UserInterfaceManager;
[*] //get the ribbon associated with part document
[*] Inventor.Ribbons ribbons;
[*] ribbons = userInterfaceManager.Ribbons;
[*] Inventor.Ribbon partRibbon;
[*] partRibbon = ribbons["Part"];
[*] //get the tabls associated with part ribbon
[*] RibbonTabs ribbonTabs;
[*] ribbonTabs = partRibbon.RibbonTabs;
[*] RibbonTab partSketchRibbonTab;
[*] partSketchRibbonTab = ribbonTabs["id_TabModel"];
[*] //create a new panel with the tab
[*] RibbonPanels ribbonPanels;
[*] ribbonPanels = partSketchRibbonTab.RibbonPanels;
[*] m_partRibbonPanel = ribbonPanels.Add("MyPanel", "InvWPFSample:myRibbonPanel", "{F86BD2AF-F06C-4973-9461-CBF9C12F1738}", "", false);
[*] //add controls to the slot panel
[*] CommandControls partRibbonPanelCtrls;
[*] partRibbonPanelCtrls = m_partRibbonPanel.CommandControls;
[*] CommandControl cmdBtnCmdCtrl;
[*] cmdBtnCmdCtrl = partRibbonPanelCtrls.AddButton(m_Button.ButtonDefinition, false, true, "", false);
[*] }
[*] catch (Exception e)
[*] {
[*] MessageBox.Show(e.ToString());
[*] }
[*] }
[*] public void ExecuteCommand(int commandID)
[*] {
[*] // Note:this method is now obsolete, you should use the
[*] // ControlDefinition functionality for implementing commands.
[*] }
[*] public object Automation
[*] {
[*] // This property is provided to allow the AddIn to expose an API
[*] // of its own to other programs. Typically, thiswould be done by
[*] // implementing the AddIn's API interface in a class and returning
[*] // that class object through this property.
[*] get
[*] {
[*] // TODO: Add ApplicationAddInServer.Automation getter implementation
[*] return null;
[*] }
[*] }
[*] #endregion
[*] #region COM Registration functions
[*] /// <summary>
[*] /// Registers this class as an Add-In for Autodesk Inventor.
[*] /// This function is called when the assembly is registered for COM.
[*] /// </summary>
[*] public static void Register(Type t)
[*] {
[*] RegistryKey clssRoot = Registry.ClassesRoot;
[*] RegistryKey clsid = null;
[*] RegistryKey subKey = null;
[*] try
[*] {
[*] clsid = clssRoot.CreateSubKey("CLSID//" + AddInGuid(t));
[*] clsid.SetValue(null, "InvWPFSample");
[*] subKey = clsid.CreateSubKey("Implemented Categories//{39AD2B5C-7A29-11D6-8E0A-0010B541CAA8}");
[*] subKey.Close();
[*] subKey = clsid.CreateSubKey("Settings");
[*] subKey.SetValue("AddInType", "Standard");
[*] subKey.SetValue("LoadOnStartUp", "1");
[*] //subKey.SetValue("SupportedSoftwareVersionLessThan", "");
[*] subKey.SetValue("SupportedSoftwareVersionGreaterThan", "13..");
[*] //subKey.SetValue("SupportedSoftwareVersionEqualTo", "");
[*] //subKey.SetValue("SupportedSoftwareVersionNotEqualTo", "");
[*] //subKey.SetValue("Hidden", "0");
[*] //subKey.SetValue("UserUnloadable", "1");
[*] subKey.SetValue("Version", 0);
[*] subKey.Close();
[*] subKey = clsid.CreateSubKey("Description");
[*] subKey.SetValue(null, "InvWPFSample");
[*] }
[*] catch
[*] {
[*] System.Diagnostics.Trace.Assert(false);
[*] }
[*] finally
[*] {
[*] if (subKey != null) subKey.Close();
[*] if (clsid != null) clsid.Close();
[*] if (clssRoot != null) clssRoot.Close();
[*] }
[*] }
[*] /// <summary>
[*] /// Unregisters this class as an Add-In for Autodesk Inventor.
[*] /// This function is called when the assembly is unregistered.
[*] /// </summary>
[*] public static void Unregister(Type t)
[*] {
[*] RegistryKey clssRoot = Registry.ClassesRoot;
[*] RegistryKey clsid = null;
[*] try
[*] {
[*] clssRoot = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.ClassesRoot;
[*] clsid = clssRoot.OpenSubKey("CLSID//" + AddInGuid(t), true);
[*] clsid.SetValue(null, "");
[*] clsid.DeleteSubKeyTree("Implemented Categories//{39AD2B5C-7A29-11D6-8E0A-0010B541CAA8}");
[*] clsid.DeleteSubKeyTree("Settings");
[*] clsid.DeleteSubKeyTree("Description");
[*] }
[*] catch { }
[*] finally
[*] {
[*] if (clsid != null) clsid.Close();
[*] if (clssRoot != null) clssRoot.Close();
[*] }
[*] }
[*] // This function uses reflection to get the value for the GuidAttribute attached to the class.
[*] private static String AddInGuid(Type t)
[*] {
[*] string guid = "";
[*] try
[*] {
[*] Object[] customAttributes = t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(GuidAttribute), false);
[*] GuidAttribute guidAttribute = (GuidAttribute)customAttributes;
[*] guid = "{" + guidAttribute.Value.ToString() + "}";
[*] }
[*] catch
[*] {
[*] }
[*] return guid;
[*] }
[*] #endregion
[*] }
UserControl(WPF)控件的代码如下: view plaincopy
[*]<UserControl x:Class="InvWPFSample.UserControl1"
[*] xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
[*] xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"
[*] Height="305.806" Width="410.123" ToolTip="System.Windows.Controls.StackPanel">
[*] <Grid Height="317.238">
[*] <Button Margin="32,101,25,0" Name="button1" Height="49" VerticalAlignment="Top" Style="{DynamicResource GlowButton}" mce_Style="{DynamicResource GlowButton}">
[*] <Button.ToolTip>
[*] <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
[*] <Image Source="c:/temp/new.jpg" Margin="3"/>
[*] <TextBlock>
[*] <Run FontWeight="Bold">Tooltips</Run>
[*] <LineBreak/>
[*] What about tooltips with pictures and formatting!
[*] </TextBlock>
[*] </StackPanel>
[*] </Button.ToolTip>
[*] <TextBlock>
[*] Look a <Run FontWeight="Bold">button</Run> with <Run FontStyle="Oblique">formatting! </Run>
[*] </TextBlock>
[*] </Button>
[*] </Grid>
因为VS.NET 2008不支持往一个ClassLibrary类型的工程中直接添加WPF windows form,所以我使用了一个普通的Windows Form,然后增加一个ElementHost来显示前面提到的WPF控件UserControl1。要做到这一点,就是在Form1的InitializeComponent函数里增加下面几行代码: view plaincopy
[*]//show a WPF control in my form
[*]ElementHost host = new ElementHost();
[*]host.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
[*]UserControl1 uc = new UserControl1(); // This is a WPF UserControl defined in XAML
[*]host.Child = uc;
路过 路过!!!
不发表意见…… 路过!!!
不发表意见…… (*^__^*) 嘻嘻…… 路过!!!
帮顶…… 路过!!!
帮顶…… 顶!!!!!!!!!! 顶起来………… (*^__^*) 嘻嘻…… 顶......
楼下跟上..... 顶起来………… 顶......
楼下跟上..... 顶!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 顶起来………… 顶起来………… 顶!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!