
萧闫子 发表于 2014-1-8 15:50:41

[资料] 创建和编辑AutoCAD实体

Create and Edit AutoCAD Entities创建和编辑AutoCAD实体
You can create a range of objects, from simple lines and circles to spline curves, ellipses, and associative hatch areas. In general, you add objects to a BlockTableRecord object using the AppendEntity function. Once an object is created, you can change its properties such as layer, color, and linetype.我们可以创建各种对象,从简单的直线和圆到样条曲线、椭圆和联合填充区域等。通常是使用AppendEntity函数将对象添加到BlockTableRecord对象。创建了一个对象后,我们就可以修改其图层、颜色、线型等属性。The drawing database is similar to other database programs, you can think of a Line object in Model space as table record and Model space as its database table. When working with a database, you must open and close records before working with them. The objects stored in the Database object are no different, you use the GetObject function to retrieve an object from the database and define how you want to work with the object.图形数据库与其他数据库程序类似,我们可以将模型空间的直线对象想象成表记录,而将模型空间想象成数据库表。使用数据库时,必须在进行操作前打开和关闭记录。对存储在Database对象里的对象都是一样的,我们使用GetObject函数从数据库中获取一个对象,并确定怎样使用该对象。
Topics in this section本章主题:·         Open and Close Objects 打开和关闭对象·         Create Objects 创建对象·         Work with Selection Sets 使用选择集·         Edit Named and 2D Objects 编辑命名2D对象·         Use Layers, Colors, and Linetypes 使用图层、颜色和线型·         Save and Restore Layer States 保存和恢复图层状态·         Add Text to Drawings 往图形添加文字

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