
yangxinxin 发表于 2011-11-7 18:09:38


The physical meaning of CO of outlet? Posted By: ZHANG ZHIQIN email:ZZQ01@MAILS.TSINGHUA.EDU.CN
Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2002, 11:28 p.m. When I set an outlet, the coeficient is set 1000,sometimes it is set 1,What's the physical meaning of the coeficient?Thanks Re: The physical meaning of CO of outlet? Posted By: Neihad email:neihad@hotmail.com
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2002, 9:30 p.m. Higher coefficients make the internal conditions near the outlet closer to the external pressure Regards 出口物体中这个系数(coefficient)取得越大,最终计算结果中出口处的压力与设定的外部压力(external pressure) 越接近,用于固定出口处的压力值

36.turbulence convergence
Posted By: irfan email: irfan_m2@rediffmail.com
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2002, 1:43 a.m.After getting the solution, I am facing a difficulty in judging that the particular set of input turbulence parameters (example; Dissipation length scale & Turbulence intensity in standard K E modal), being selected are correct. For this, should I check the residuals of turbulence only or do I need to check something else. I will appreciate your guidance in this regard Re: turbulence covergence Posted By: JinHyo, Bae
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2002, 5:47 p.m. If you have an experimental data for the case, you can adjust that value. If not, you can only use default value. How aout using RNG K-E model?

about the grid
Posted By: konos email: konosxkonos@yahoo.com
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002, 11:43 a.m. I want to change the kind of the grid in a specific area and not in the whole area. How can i do this? Re: about the grid Posted By: Vikas Kumar email: vikask@cdac.ernet.in
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002, 3:17 a.m. Use FGEM. See lib. case V201. Or use Null object to create region of your interest. Vikas Posted By: konos email: konosxkonos@yahoo.com
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2002, 6:52 a.m. What is the FGEM? I can't understand the difference between Null object and fine_grid volume.In lib. case V201 use fine grid. Why ? Can you help me ? Posted By: Vikas Kumar email: vikask@cdac.ernet.in
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2002, 8:27 a.m. Pl. visit this site to see workshop on FGEM http://www.cham.co.uk/phoenics/d_polis/d_wkshp/wrkshp8.htm This workshop shows how to use a Fine Grid Volume to increase the local resolution. Posted By: konos email: konosxkonos@yahoo.com
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2002, 2:35 a.m. I have tried many times to use Fine Grid Volume. Unfortunately, I have many problems with that. First of all, in VR-Viewer when I click on the 'Vector toggle' , the vectors are completely wrong. They have random directions and when i have zero angle of attack there is no symmetry What can I do ?

disappear particles in GENTRA
Posted By: tomo email: tomogo10@hotmail.com
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2002, 12:13 a.m. In my calculation, particle trajeciory is finished until it doesn't reach EXIT in GENTRA. LUNIT6 said the particle was EXIT by GENIUS Group4 IGENSC=1. Why? My calculation is transition(not steady!). Is there somebody who help me? Re: disappear particles in GENTRA Posted By: support team email: support@phoenics.co.jp
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2002, 8:05 p.m.
In Response To: disappear particles in GENTRA (tomo) The BUG has been fixed in CHAM-Japan.

38.Phoenics 中PARSOL技术的应用
PARSOL I am currently running a model in P3.4 that investigates air movement and temperature profiles in an attrium. The attrium has some complex geometry. I have run the model successfully with a relatively fine grid successfully, to increase the accuracy I turned on parsol. The model crashed after about 30 iterations and the model not sufficiently converged. When I reduce the number of grids in the space and turn parsol on it works, but the accuracy of the refined grids is lost. PARSOL algorithm has been improved in PHOENICS 3.5. For conjugate heat transfer problem, the solution crashes in certain cases. I have found similar problem.
can u explain what is PARSOL?thanks!
PARSOL, the technique for improving the accuracy of flow simulations for situations in which a fluid/solid boundary intersects some of the cells of a cartesian or polar-co-ordinate grid obliquely. 当你的计算域中有wedge物体时,如果想让流场算的比较合理,最好用这个命令,

编译Plant时出现如下错误: C:\phoenics\D_PRIV1>call \phoenics\d_satell\..\d_utils\d_windf\..\phoepath.bat Out of environment space Adding DIGITAL PHOENICS to path Too many parameters Bad command or file name Out of environment space Out of environment space Out of environment space C:\phoenics\D_PRIV1>call bldear Bad command or file name C:\phoenics\D_PRIV1>pause Press any key to continue . . . 这是什么问题?望用过的高手告知,我的计算机中安装了Digital Fortran6.5和VC6.0 ,并且在文件phoepath.bat中设定了路径. _____________________________________________________

将fortran中的dfvars.bat文件中的%PATH%改成"%PATH%",同样查找用到的phoenics批处理文件,做一样的改动。good luck.

是这样的,在phoenics 和fortan中均要设置路经。在Q1文件中可按plant要求格式写而后编译连接运行erath!



EPKE = EP/KE and this ratio provides a measure of the frequency of the large-scale turbulent motion You will have to specify KE and EP for the inlet if you are using k-e family turbulence models. The suggested values for KE and EP can be found in POLIS, or you can use your own values. KE and EP then will be solved by PHOENICS with the boundary conditions specified. EPKE = EP/KE which is a ratio of dissipation rate over turbulent energy, so this may be a measure of the state of turbulence

一般来说,很难弄到密码。但是,phoenics 3.2 版本 的有相应的 Crack 文件。比如像其可执行文件 PVREXE 就 有一个 pvrexe_crk.exe。执行 pvrexe_crk.exe 后就好了。 这个版本的网上应该能找到。 我就是装了这个版本的
其实Phoenics最新版本是3.4网络版的。 Phoenics软件的安装解密过程如下,希望对大家有所帮助!                     Unlocking PHOENICS PHOENICS is locked/unlocked using a machine-dependent unlocking string present in the CONFIG file in the directory phoenics\d_allpro. For PCs, PHOENICS can be unlocked using the id of a dongle, or by using the hard disk Volume Serial Number. A dongle is more flexible since it can be moved from PC to PC, thus allowing PHOENICS to be used on any one PC at a time. PHOENICS is normally supplied with a dongle, and with an unlocking string for a dongle already present in the CONFIG file. If a user does not have a dongle, or cannot use one, then it will be necessary to inform CHAM of the hard disk Volume Serial Number so that a suitable unlocking string can be supplied. The Volume Serial Number of a disk can be obtained by typing the command ‘Vol’ at the DOS command prompt. Under Windows, this can be done from an MS-DOS window. For UNIX based computers, the CPU dependent ID string (i.e. unlocking string) will be supplied by CHAM on receipt of the CPU (or equivalent) identifiers for each computer or processor on which PHOENICS is to be run. An example of the unlocking string and its location in the CONFIG file is shown below (the example is not currently valid). The unlocking string consists of the line starting with the text 'ID=' * ------ The configuration file CONFIG for PHOENICS version 3.4 ------ ID=:9(L8P3Y)P5ABG1AIOA/2D:SF dongle March 2001 *--------------------------------------------------------------------- SITE= CHAM *--------------------------------------------------------------------- SATPRE=\phoenics\d_satell\ EARPRE=\phoenics\d_earth\ PHOPRE=\phoenics\d_photon\ AUTPRE=\phoenics\d_photon\ The Node Id of a PC is either the dongle number (currently 10793) or the hard disk Volume Serial Number. The Node Id is displayed when a PHOENICS program fails due to expiry of an unlocking string, and is on the line following the text ‘ The ID of this node is . . . . .’ On Windows systems, this message is written to the file luout in the current working directory. The Node Id should be recorded on the unlocking request form provided and returned to: Installation Section Tel: 020 8947 7651 CHAM, Fax: 020 8879 3497 Bakery House e-mail: bmz@cham.co.uk 40 High Street, Wimbledon London SW19 5AU


**** Hidden Message *****

沫沫 发表于 2014-8-21 09:47:35


zhangnian 发表于 2011-11-7 20:06:56

好像 没看到东东啊

yangxinxin 发表于 2011-11-8 09:54:36

补上来 了   电子版

月之影 发表于 2011-11-13 21:46:55


楚客 发表于 2011-11-13 21:49:23


順順 发表于 2011-11-13 21:52:33


狮兄 发表于 2011-11-13 21:54:34


静儿 发表于 2011-11-13 21:55:34


dglei88 发表于 2011-11-13 21:56:44


★の风の☆ 发表于 2011-11-13 21:57:47


孙雅 发表于 2011-11-13 21:58:31


妮可 发表于 2011-11-13 21:59:16


月之影 发表于 2011-11-13 22:00:01


千里独行 发表于 2011-11-13 22:00:57


zj1345 发表于 2011-11-13 22:04:08

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