2012年7月美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学计算机集成建造研究计划(CIC - Computer Integrated Construction Research Program)发布了其承担的buildingSMART联盟研究项目《业主BIM规划指南 1.01版》—— “BIM Planning Guide for Facility OwnersVersion 1.01”,下图是该指南的封面: 《指南》为业主建议了如下8条关键BIM应用: 1、数据调试Data Commissioning: 把部件编号、保用信息等数据从BIM模型植入到设施管理系统中的过程,以保证数据精确和减少数据输入时间。A process in which facility data, such as part numbers, warranty information, from a BIM Model is used to populate an organization’s facility management system (FMS) while ensuring the accuracy of the information and significantly reducing the data entry time.
2、性能监测Performance Monitoring: BIM用于辅助监测能源、空气质量、安保等设施性能的过程。A process in which BIM can be used to assist in monitoring the preformation of the facilities including items such as energy, air quality, and security.
3、系统控制 Systems Control:BIM用于辅助控制诸如照明、电力、暖通空调、 输送等设施元件或系统的过程。A process in which BIM can be used to assist in controlling elements or systems of the facility such as lighting, electrical, HVAC, and conveying to name a few.
4、空间跟踪Space Tracking: BIM用于监测设施空间使用的过程。A process in which BIM is used to monitor the usage of spaces within the facility.
5、资产管理Asset Management: BIM用于辅助设施资产管理以保证生命周期最优价值的过程,这些资产包括建筑物本身、系统、周围环境、设备等,必须以最低可能成本有效维护、更新和运行让业主和用户满意从而支持财务决策以及短期和长期规划,资产类型可以包括人员、空间、设备、系统、家具装置系统和部件、信息技术和音频视频系统部件以及其他对客户有价值的数据。A process in which BIM is used to assist in the management of facility assets to ensure optimal value over its life cycle. These assets, consisting of the physical building, systems, surrounding environment, and equipment, must be maintained, upgraded, and operated at an efficiency which will satisfy both the owner and users at the lowest appropriate cost to support financial decision-making as well as short-term and long-term planning. Asset categories can include personnel, space, equipment, systems, FF&E systems and components, Information Technology and Audio-Video systems components and other data to be determined to be of value by each customer.
6、维护管理Maintenance Management: BIM用于辅助保持或恢复设施元素达到正常运行状态的各类行动的过程A process in which BIM is used to assist in actions intended to retain facility elements, or restore facility elements to, a state in which the facility element can perform its intended function.
7、 状态记录Condition Documentation: BIM用于辅助记录设施状态的过程,这个过程的完成可以利用诸如激光扫描、成像几何和传统测绘等其他工具。A process in which BIM is used to assist in recording the state of the facility. This can be accomplished with a number of tools including but not limited to laser scanning, photo-geometry, and traditional surveying.
8、场景预测Scenario Forecasting: BIM用于预测设施内诸如人流、疏散安排和其他灾害等可能情况的过程。A process in which BIM is used to predict possible situations within the facility such as crowd flow, evacuation procedures and other disasters. 看完《指南》为业主建议的上述关键BIM应用,我想大家应该跟作者一样都看出问题来了,没错,《指南》建议的业主BIM应用都是运维阶段的,但是却没有设计和施工阶段的,那么业主在设计和施工阶段是不是就不需要用BIM辅助和提升其工作效率和质量了呢?答案显然是否定的。 就这个疑问作者和美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学《业主BIM规划指南》的研究人员进行了讨论,对方同意并确认业主在设计和施工阶段的BIM应用是《指南》下一步需要研究的内容之一。这个情况结合国内同行对BIM讨论的一些常见问题本人得到以下几点启发供大家参考: 1、BIM刚刚开始,即使在美国也是这样。2、不需要等BIM完善以后再使用BIM,甚至BIM标准和指南也是如此。3、BIM的发展和完善不是能等来的,是需要靠不断的研究和实践去实现的。4、中国是全球最大的建筑业市场之一,自然也是最大的BIM应用市场之一,如何借助这个最大的BIM应用市场提升我国BIM技术的整体能力和水平是全体同行不可推卸的责任和使命,同时也蕴含着巨大商机。